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III Latin American Congress

of Political Ecology

18-20 March, 2019 : Salvador : Bahia : Brazil



18-20 March, 2019

UFBA Salvador

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political ecology and liberation


The Latin American Network of Political Ecology, thorugh the organizing committee of the III Latin American Congress of Political Ecology, invites the academic community and social movements to participate in this meeting, which will be held in Salvador and in Cachoeira, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, from March 18th to 20th, 2019.


The main theme of the congress deals with the turbulent times faced by Latin America, with the emergence of authoritarian and neoliberal governments and the acceleration of extrativist policies and the desnationalization of natural resources. Facing this reaccionary turn, decolonial insurgences and struggles emerge, regathering emancipatory horizons, new resistance ecologies that reconfigure the libertatory praxis.


With its critical strength, the decolonial latin American political ecology has been an innovative paradigm to resist this reaccionary turn and to empower processes of emancipation  and libertation.


Within this urgent political context, the Congress aims to create a space for encounters and convergences between emancipatory thought and practices, between academy, social movements and activism.


The congress pays tribute to Hector Alimonda (1949-2017), who in his lifetime promoted Latin American critical thought through political ecology and through the struggle against the ‘persistent coloniality that affects Latin American nature. It also homages popular environmental political leaderships that, in their own historical moments and with their own forces, were able to build up collective perspectives of emancipatory ecological struggles. These include Chico Mendes, murdered 30 years ago, on December 22nd 1998, Maria and Zé Claudio, murdered in 2011, and Berta Carceres, murdered on March 3rd 2016.


The congress is organized by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Federal University of Reconcavo of Bahia (UFRB), gathering a network of collaboration with other Brazilian universities (UNILAB, UFABC, UNB, UNIFESP), Chilean universities (UCN, FAU-UC) and leaders of social movements (MAM, APIB, CNS).

Guiding themes

Capitalism political ecology and landscapes of inequality

The intensification of extractivism has risen the conflicts, disasters, crimes, inequality and environmental degradation. Capital pillaging of urban space operates in growing connection with the destruction of river basins, mountains, forestes and water fencing. Narrative guerrillas that question the naturalization of oppressions contradict the unpoliticized narratives of Anthropocene. If Anthropocene is the Era of Capital, which horizons allow us to imagine alternatives, based on egualitarian transformations of social-ecological post-capitalist relationships?

#Environmental history



#green economy 
#working class ecologism #deslocation #migration 
#environmental racism

#environmental justice

Insurgent political ecologies 

This session promotes discussion about the struggles and the alternatives; about the commons, territorialities, post-development, post-extractivism. Proposals oriented to the analisys of political alternatives and territorial struggles are welcomed. The indigenous, quilombola, diasporic, peasant, riverine, rubber tapper, palenquera, fundo de pasto, landless and homeless Abya Yala, the popular ecologism and the insurgent epistemologies. Commons are constructions that historically face fencing, challenge commodification, individualism, neoliberalism, and may operate in every social, urban, hydric, rural or digital environment. We invite works that shed light and promote voices and movements of resistance and alternatives’ seeking.

#common political ecology


#environmentalism of the poor




#new cartographies


Decolonial ecologies, environmental epistemologies and cosmovisions

Beyond materiality, Latin American theoretical reflection has contributed to iluminate knowledges that go much further of the occidental knowledge of the world and to foresse other worlds that re-exist beyond coloniality. We invite proposals that dialogue with epistemic alternatives, ontological struggles and wars, and knowledge and life ways that emerge from decolonial praxis and contribute to iluminate horizons of alternatives to the being and knowing explotations.

#political ontology 
#epistemologies of the south

#perspectivism #multinaturalism

#ecocritic literature

#guerilla narratives


#emancipatory science and tecnology

Modes of participation
(Portuguese, Spanish and English)

  • Presentations: the papers, desirably theoretical, empirical or as well experience descriptions, should be related to one of the three guiding themes and according to the political ecology theoretical framework. Presentations should take 15 minutes each. 

  • Round tables: Round tables will hold opportunities for discussions, debates, reflections and exchange of ideas in relation the the general theme of the congress. The format will be of at least three panelists. Preference will be given to tables that promote the dialogue between different latin American experiences and that include panelists from different countries.

  • Dialogues: One of the main scopes of the congress is to promote dialogues about urgent and emergent themes of political ecology. These will be self-managed in collectives and, differing from the round tables, shall be more opened to contributions and reflections of greater number os participants. The suggested format for dialogues are mediated compositions, without presentations but grounded on questions and provocations about the proposed topics. These should be made of one or two mediators and up to five discussants. A strong interaction with the audience is also desirable.

  • Workshops: These should promote the exchange between academia and movements and offer decolonial pedagogic experiments. There will be a limit of the number of participants, which shall be managed by the proponents of the workshops.

  • Arts: We welcome the presentation of photographic or visual arts exhibitions, short documentaries, musical or free performances, that may occur in the spaces of the congress or spread throughout the beautiful town of Cachoeira.

  • Experiencies: this modality welcomes participants who wants to build a dialogue with political ecologies promoting dialogues, debates, listenings and interacting actively, through the collective construction of knowledge, not only in the restricted common modes of academic congresses.

    *Obs.: Due to the restriction of space, the organizing committee may limit the number of accepted proposal or adequate the modes of participation.


At the beginning of the document indicate the mode of participation (presentation, round tables, dialogues, workshops, arts, experiences) and which of the three guiding themes the activity / article fits.

GENERAL FORMATTING: Maximum of 250 words in PDF, format A4 (210 x 297 mm), vertical orientation;

MARGENES: Izquierda e inferior, 2 cm. Derecha y superior, 3 cm.



NAME OF THE AUTOR: Arial, size 10, to the right, in UPPERCASE/SMALLCASE.
e-mail: Arial, size 10, to the right, bellow the name of each autor.
Institution  (if applied): Arial, size 10, to the right, below name of each autor, in UPPERCASE/SMALLCASE.

TEXT: Arial 12. Paragraph, 1 cm.
REFERENCES: (at least 3). Following ABNT rules:
NAME, Surname. Title of the work. City, St: Edit, year.

The Advisory Board will evaluate and select the proposals to include in the program. The list of accepted proposals will be published in the website of the event and will be sent messages of approval after May 10th 2018.

The Organizing Committee informs that proponents of artistic interventions to provide the means that will be used. Depending of the limits of infrastructure some adaptation may be suggested.


Deadline to submissions: 

Approval confirmation: 

Early registration: 

10th August

6th September

Organizing committee and

Advisory board

Felipe Milanez (Coordenador, IHAC/UFBA)

Ana Lucia Lage (IHAC/UFBA)

Victor Coutinho (IHAC/UFBA)

Fayga Moreira (IHAC/UFBA) 

Fabrício Santos (CAHL/UFRB)

Paulo Fonseca (NUVEM/UFRB)

Sue Iamamoto (FFCH/UFBA)

Luiz Enrique Souza (FFCH/UFBA)

Daniel Jeziorny  (FE/UFBA)

Marcelo Araújo (NEIM/UFRB)

Alicia Ruiz Olalde (CCAAB/UFRB)

Isabella Lamas (CES)

Mayara Melo (CCS/UFRB)

Franklin Carvalho (CFP/UFRB)

Vanessa Empinotti (UFABC)

Salvador Schavelzon (UNIFESP)

Iñigo Arrazola (GEO/UFBA)

Vladia Luna (GEO/UFBA)

Rutian Pataxó (Dir/UFBA)

Manuel Prieto (Universidad Católica del Norte, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)

Beatriz Bustos (FAU-Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile)

Piergiorgio Di Giminiani (PUC, Santiago, Chile)

Stefania Barca (CES/Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)

Bjorn Sletto (University of Texas, Austin, EUA)

Givânia Maria da Silva (Coordenação Nacional de Articulação Nas Comunidades Negras Rurais Quilombolas, CONAQ/Universidade de Brasília, Brasília e Pernambuco, Brasil)

Maria Zezé Pacheco (Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores - CPP, Bahia)

Maria Cristina Fragkou (FAU-Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile)

Hugo Romero-Toledo (Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile)

Catalina Toro Perez (Universidad Nacional de Colômbia, Bogota, Colômbia)

Gustavo García Lopéz (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico)

Diego Andreucci (ed. Ecología Política, Catalunya)

Edna Castro (NAEA / Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brasil)

Marta Inez Marques (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)

José Augusto Pádua (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio, Brasil)

Charles Trocate (MAM / MST / ed. Iguana, Pará, Brasil)

Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES, Montevideo, Uruguai)

Luiz Henrique Eloy  (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil, APIB / Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio e Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil)

Pedro Jacobi (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)

Enrique Aliste (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Astrid Ulloa (Universidad Nacional de Colômbia, Bogotá, Colômbia)

Joan Martinez-Alier (ICTA-Universidad Auónoma de Barcelona, Catalunya)

Edel Moraes (Conselho Nacional das Populações Extrativistas, CNS, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasília e Belém, Brasil)

Tony Bebbington (Clark University, EUA)

Tom Perreault (Syrycuse University, EUA)

Joe Bryan (University of Colorado, Boulder, EUA)

Grupo de Trabajo Ecologia Política Desde América Latina — Abya Yala

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